BIOCHAR Soil Blends
New High Performance Biochar Soil Blends
Bioswales / Bioretentions
Both individual medias and different combinations of blended medias including StormwaterBIOCHAR™, StormwaterSHALE™, Mt. St. Helens Volcanic Sand, StormwaterZEOLITE™ or a course bio filtration sand depending on your needs.
Our Biochar is the standard for the new Washington State new high performance bioretention soil mixes, meeting and exceeding all the requirements. ( Listed as High Carbon Wood Ash (biochar))
Roadside bioretention to capture 6PPD from tire wear and microplastics
Lakes & Ponds
Biochar has been traditionally used to improve soil fertility and agricultural yields, but can also be utilized as a natural nutrient management tool in lakes and ponds. Contained in a large sock-like bag, this porous material allows water to flow through while pulling nutrients, metals, and pollutants from the water.
100% Biochar (nonspecific) available in Cubic Yard (CY) Super Sacks to blend into your soil mix.
StormwaterBIOCHAR™ is available when higher metal removal is desired.
(StormwaterBIOCHAR™ is a specific biochar made to remove heavy metals)
A blend of StormwaterBIOCHAR™, StormwaterZEOLITE™ and Sand.
A blend of StormwaterBIOCHAR™, Sand and Coir that meets and exceeds Washington State DOE High Performance Bioretention Soil Mix.
is used exclusively in our Soil Blends.
Approved Biochar (High Carbon Wood Ash - HCWA) for Washington State DOE
Why Biochar in Soil
Benefits of Biochar in Soil
Carbon sequestration
Improvements in plant growth and yield
Improvements in soil nutrient retention
Improvements in soil moisture retention
Improvements in soil structure
Provides habitat for soil microorganisms
Reduces burning and landfilling of agricultural and forestry wastes
Can Reduce or Neutralize soil pH (using the right Biochar)