Who We Are

Finally, a collaboration of the most knowledgeable group of stormwater biochar experts have come together to create a company to continue to build better solutions for you.  Working together but independently since 2010, finally we combined the best of research, teaching, production and onsite experts to focus on the advancement of improving the utilization of biochar to treat and remove pollutants from stormwater.

Ryan Holman, Owner / Innovator

Contact us today to see what we can do for you (info@stormwaterbiochar.com) and keep checking back here for new and exciting updates.

What We Do

We are the innovators that started looking at biochar as a possible affordable solution for removing pollutants from stormwater.  In 2009 I found the first biochar that showed promise.  After meeting the right people who knew about biochar, trying lots of available biochars and making some of our own, we found a biochar that worked consistently and with great results.  By 2010 we had enough test results to start selling it and continuing our testing.  In 2015 we were part of the research by OSU and Myles Gray.  In 2018 we created Stormwater BIOCHAR to be dedicated to affordable stormwater treatment with biochar.

Want to see examples of our results? Check these out!


Thank You for Visiting our site. Ryan