Welcome to StormwaterBIOCHAR.com

We are glad you found us!!

If you are looking for an affordable solution to remove metals from your stormwater, we can help. Look around our website or just Contact us, we are here to help! (info@stormwaterbiochar.com) Keep checking back here for new updates.

As the inventor of using Biochar for treating stormwater to remove metals, you have come to the right place.

Why StormwaterBIOCHAR.com

We have taken proven medias to blend with our StormwaterBIOCHAR™ (Char made from biomass (“biochar”)) to make a low cost, very effective stormwater pollutant filter media for removing metals and other pollutants. Our biochar filter media blends are tested and proven by customers as a natural affordable solution to pollutant removal from stormwater.  We have tested with many systems to utilize our biochar filter medias from a very basic to very in-depth, new to existing, sheet flow to downspout to end of pipe treatment.

Biochars are not created the same!

The slightest of variables can create different overall results.  Biochar is like saying automobile.  You wouldn't use a two door convertible sports car to haul a hundred tons of dirt would you?  That is why we don't just use any biochar in our stormwater filter medias.

We have been testing and utilizing biochar for stormwater treatment since 2009 and providing solutions since 2010.

Shipping through out the country from Hawaii to Alaska to Maine to Florida to California and most places in between.

No one knows Biochar for Stormwater better than us!  

Our stormwater filter medias can be used alone or mixed with other components to form a media designed for specific pollutant removals.  It shouldn't cost a fortune to do what's right.

We focus on our Filter Medias.

We know our core strengths, stick to our guns and hone our medias. Most Importantly, we stay focused on Biochar for removing metals from stormwater..

Cost Effective Media

An Effective Short Life Media designed to save you money.  BiocharBASIC is the perfect blend for catch basin inserts and filter socks.

Box Treatment Media

BiocharPEAT is a Longer Life Media

designed for your downspout

and end of pipe treatment filters.


Learn why we say,

The Right Biochar, The Right Blend, Dialed In.

(click above or the pollutant for details about results)  As Always, All of the Details that we claim are published and available.  All test results are stormwater results from industrial sites throughout the West Coast.

Click Below to Expand and see test results.      Click Here to Link to All Results by Pollutants.

"Your product provided a vital solution that has exceeded our expectations."


Matt Graves, Co-Inventor of the Grattix Box,

 Port of Vancouver USA, December 30, 2019

Click to read the Full Letter

We love helping you.

Our passion is listening to clients ideas, thinking through solutions and coming up with affordable design. Most Importantly, we keep it simple.

Filter Medias

Treatment Filters

Industrial Resources


Catch Basin Maintenance Oregon / Los Angeles / Seattle

Resellers & Distributors

Our Green Story

Since 2010!

We are proud of our treatment filters.

Filter Socks, Catch Basin Inserts and all kinds of Treatment Boxes.

We would love to hear from you.