Multiple Filter Medias Available

Biochar is a generic name for any organic material that has been heated with low to no oxygen until it's at least 77% carbon.  We call our biochar StormwaterBIOCHAR™ because it's been specifically tested and proven to remove metals from stormwater. StormwaterBIOCHAR™ can be used alone or mixed with other components to form medias that enhance pollutant removal. We currently have two media mixes for pollutant removal from your stormwater.  They both have a natural toxin and metal binder as part of the blend.  We are working on other media mixes to remove additional pollutants.

Our Biochar Stormwater Treatment Filter Medias are proprietary custom blends primarily for removing metals out of stormwater. (Zinc, Copper, Aluminum, Iron, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel)





Stormwater Filter Medias

An Effective Short Life Media designed to save you money.  BiocharBASIC is the perfect blend for catch basin inserts and filter socks.


BiocharPEAT is a Longer Life Media designed for your downspout and end of pipe treatment boxes.

New & Coming Soon

BiocharZAPT is a Longer Life Media with both StormwaterPEAT™ and StormwaterZEOLITE™  blended with StormwaterBIOCHAR™ designed for your downspout and end of pipe treatment boxes.


Biochar Treatment Filters


Biochar Soil Medias also Available


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For More Information or To Order